Essay, Beta Exercise: The Theory and Practice of Osamu Kanemura

“Beta Exercise: The Theory and Practice of Osamu Kanemura” was published by punctum books in NY.

From website of punctum books:
“Beta Exercise: The Theory and Practice of Osamu Kanemura is the first bilingual (Japanese-English) book to provide an overview of the theoretical work of Japanese photographer and video artist Osamu Kanemura, a unique talent and voice in the world of avant-garde contemporary photography.”
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Beta Exercise: The Theory and Practice of Osamu Kanemura
230 pages
paperbound/5 X 8 in
Price: $22.00[€20.00/£18.00]
punctum books
ISBN-13: 978-1-947447-7-76

『ベータ・エクササイズ 金村修の理論と実践』はニューヨークの出版社punctum booksから英語・日本語併記で出版されました。
金村修 初の写真・映像論集であり、彼の方法論を読み解く鍵となるでしょう。
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